This calendar allows you to see the month’s events and services at a glance. It also is an easy way to see the saint days of the Episcopal Church. Information about each of the saints is listed in the book Holy Women, Holy Men. Clicking on the name of a saint in our calendar will take you to information about that saint.
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
1 * Frederick Denison MauriceFrederick Denison Maurice
2 * James Lloyd BreckJames Lloyd Breck
* 11 am Mass11 am Mass
Time: 11:00 am
4 * Martin Luther King, Jr.Martin Luther King, Jr.
5 * Mass - 6 pmMass - 6 pm
6 * David G. C. WuDavid G. C. Wu
8 * Anne AyersAnne Ayers
* William A. Muhlenberg &William A. Muhlenberg &
9 * Dietrich Bonhoeffer, 1945Dietrich Bonhoeffer, 1945
* 11 am Mass11 am Mass
Time: 11:00 am
10 * Tielhard de Chardin, 1955Tielhard de Chardin, 1955
* William Law, 1761, &William Law, 1761, &
11 * George Selwyn, 1878George Selwyn, 1878
12 * Adoniram JudsonAdoniram Judson
* Mass - 6 pmMass - 6 pm
15 * Damien, 1889Damien, 1889
16 * Molly Brant Molly Brant
* 11 am Mass11 am Mass
Time: 11:00 am
19 * Alphege of Canterbury, 1012Alphege of Canterbury, 1012
* Mass - 6 pmMass - 6 pm
21 * Anselm of Canterbury, 1109Anselm of Canterbury, 1109
22 * Hudson Stuck, 1920Hudson Stuck, 1920
* John Muir, 1914 &John Muir, 1914 &
23 * George, 304, andGeorge, 304, and
* Toyohiko Kagawa, 1960Toyohiko Kagawa, 1960
* 11 am Mass11 am Mass
Time: 11:00 am
24 * Genocide RemembranceGenocide Remembrance
25 * St. Mark, the EvangelistSt. Mark, the Evangelist
26 * Robert Hung, 1607Robert Hung, 1607
* Mass - 6 pmMass - 6 pm
27 * Christina Rosetti, poet, 1894Christina Rosetti, poet, 1894
29 * Catherine of Siena, 1380Catherine of Siena, 1380
30 * Sarah Josepha Hale, 1879Sarah Josepha Hale, 1879
* 11 am Mass11 am Mass
Time: 11:00 am
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