Who we are

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you” | John 15:12

SUNDAYS | 11:00 AM | Holy Eucharist
(with coffee hour afterward in the Undercroft)
Children’s Chapel every Sunday during the Liturgy of the Word (Sept.-May)

WEDNESDAYS | 6:00 PM  | Holy Eucharist
(with dinner at a local restaurant afterward)


St. Stephen’s is a diverse, inclusive, unique, vital community of artists, poets, musicians, professionals, writers, students and searchers for God called by Christ through the Holy Spirit

+ to live a life of common worship centered around grateful thanksgiving to God in the weekly celebration of the Holy Eucharist

+ to be faithful stewards of the gifts and resources entrusted to us

+ to be bearers of God’s healing and reconciling love.

We are dedicated to share the Amazing News of God’s radical love through the Sacraments, Liturgy, Music and by attending to the needs of all people in the name of Jesus. We are inclusive, progressive, welcoming, catholic in worship, reformed in our appreciation of scripture, and we rejoice greatly in our diversity.


St. Stephen’s is an Episcopal Church, which is part of the Anglican Communion. As Anglicans, our style of Christian spirituality and temperament is unique. We combine the very best of a balanced approach of Scripture, Tradition and Reason.


Our corporate life is centered and grounded in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist and the use of The Book of Common Prayer (enriched by contemporary liturgies), enhanced by a variety of music.


We are willing to accept human diversity, strongly emphasis social justice and care for the poor and the oppressed, and commit ourselves to environmental stewardship of the earth. We have a deep belief in the centrality of the instruction to “love one another” (John 15:17) as we have learned from the Gospel of Jesus.


St. Stephen’s is a safe and affirming place where all persons are valued for their full dignity and worth. All of God’s children are welcome at St. Stephen’s. We, living fully into our Baptismal Covenant, “strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being.” (The Book of Common Prayer, p. 305).


+ The Salvation Army and Churches United for the Homeless.

+ We are strongly committed to be witnesses of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community of the Episcopal Diocese of North Dakota, and of the Episcopal Church in the LGBT community.

+ Habitat for Humanity

+ Creation-Care: In Jesus, God so loved the whole world. We follow Jesus, so we love the world God loves. Concerned for the global climate emergency, drawing on diverse approaches for our diverse contexts, we commit to form and restore loving, liberating, life-giving relationships with all of Creation. At St. Stephen’s own “Green Team” and other individuals work hard to make our church a sustainable example of good stewardship of the world God has given us to care for.

+ We are a Chapter of The Episcopal Peace Fellowship, a national organization called to do justice, dismantle violence, and strive to be peace makers. St. Stephen’s was the first congregation in the Episcopal Diocese of North Dakota to host a chapter of EPF. A Peace Pole is located in our Memorial Garden as a sign of our committment to world peace.

+ the Millennium Development Goals through such national/international efforts as the Heifer Project, Episcopal Relief and Development, and Nets for Life.

+ St. Stephen’s is an Animal-Friendly congregation

+ The Labyrinth, on the west lawn of the church, is available to anyone who would like to use it as a place for prayer and reflection and a means for spiritual development.